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Just wanted to have a place to say Thanks.
and just about anything else that comes to mind.
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"The 3rd Side"
You see the name of the Blogsite refers to the idea that...
"There are 3 sides to every story"
1)- Your side
2)- Their Side
and then there is always...
3)- The Truth
I love animation, and cartoons, and I was just wondering if anyone else out there remembers this cartoon, way back in the days before Channel 5 was "Fox", and it used to be just "Metromedia 5". and I'd come home from school at about 3:15pm and watch these cartoons that all were shown along with Underdog, Commander McBrag, Crazy Can and Ignatz, etc..
Heres one That I drew by hand, and then later on brought into Illustrator, and fixed up for the web.
"Slick meets Willy-The-Shake"